
Paying for services with a virtual wallet for your reseller account or for your customers has never been easier.

Our Wallet section allows you to deposit money in your wallet and with this money you can purchase services and products for your clients. Also, you can always check the orders made through your wallet.

Screenshot of Reseller Wallet section

Buy Services

Screenshot of Reseller Wallet section

Allows you to purchase products and services for your clients by paying with your own money, i.e. using the balance available in your reseller wallet as a form of payment or paying directly using your own credit card.


Reseller Wallet

Screenshot of Buy Services section

Allows you to deposit money into your reseller account’s wallet for the purpose of buying hosting plans or other services you might want to deliver to people that don’t have a credit card but have physical contact with you or maintaining their websites is your responsibility. In other words, if you are a web designer or web programmer and have clients paying you for their websites directly, it is better to purchase everything for them right from your Reseller Control Panel.


Wallet Orders

Screenshot of Reseller Wallet Orders section

The wallet Orders section displays the orders which you have made to purchase products and services for your clients. You can monitor the status of the orders by checking the order details.


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