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Remote Reseller Tools Explained

Remote Reseller Tool – resell directly on your existing site

Remote Plan Comparison

It allows you to generate a remote web hosting plan comparison table that you can use remotely even on sites not hosted on our servers and without using our storefront templates. The ResellerCluster system will generate this snippet for you in your RCP (see demo). All you have to do is to paste it on the page where you want it. The remote form includes all features and an active order button link, leading to your sign-up page. After you add the Plan Comparison table to your site you can get the default CSS file from your RCP and modify it to fit your site’s design.


Manual Order Form

It lets you purchase hosting plans manually directly from your RCP – Reseller Control Panel. The purchase can be done either with a live payment through our billing system with a credit card, via PayPal, or by using the balance available in your Reseller Wallet.


Remote Order Form

The Remote Order Form is also a small HTML snippet generated by our system that you can paste on your site to start reselling our services immediately – the process is absolutely automated. This option allows you to generate an order form for products and services that you can place on any website, without even using our hosting services or pre-designed templates.


Remote Domain Search Form

It lets you generate a Domain Form that you can use remotely on a site not hosted on our servers and not using our pre-designed templates. The form allows users not only to order domains but to check their availability for transfer or registration first.


Seamless Integration with Easy CSS Customization of the Remote Order Tools


We offer you the best reseller hosting services by enabling you to freely customize our remote forms and create your own hosting stores. The easy customization of the look and feel of all remote forms makes them unique and allows them to blend seamlessly into your website’s design and color scheme. You can use your own CSS that will change the styling of the remote order forms – simply download our default CSS and modify it according to your preferences.

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Remote Login Form

The Remote Login Form is the easiest way for you to generate Login Form and Lost Password Form. You just need to copy the short HTML code to your custom website. A login form is the form clients use to log in to their hosting control panel and manage their sites. Lost Password is the form all clients may use if they’ve forgotten their passwords.


Remote Contact Form

The Contact Form may be immediately generated from the Reseller Control Panel as well. Any of our resellers may use this feature to generate a remote contact form on a site not hosted by us and not using our pre-made storefront templates. The Contact page can be used by clients to contact our sales, tech and abuse team via email or phone.


Remote Servers Order Form

If you provide VPS hosting with our free reseller program, you’d definitely need the Remote Servers Form that concisely describes all VPS plans, prices and allows your customers to order services directly from the page. The form can be easily customized with CSS.


Remote SSLs Order Form

This feature allows you to generate a small HTML snippet via your RCP that you can paste on your site in order to add a useful SSL comparison table where your clients may order various types of SSL Certificates. Your website doesn’t need to be hosted on our servers for this functionality to work.

Remote Affiliate Signup Form

It lets you generate a Signup Form for your affiliates on any website you own. You can enable the affiliate program and get the Affiliate Signup Form code from your Reseller Control Panel.


Remote Affiliate Login Form

Very much like the Login Form for customers, you can generate a Login Form for your affiliates that lets them access their accounts with you. When you get your Affiliate Login code from the RCP the system will also generate a Lost Password Form that affiliates may use to request password retrieval.


Remote Regions Dropdown

This is a useful feature that will help you to achieve proficiency by enabling you to set a dropdown menu for switching regions and currencies on your site. This will improve the site experience for your international clients. What you have to do is to copy the code in the header of your remote website. The feature may be used for our reseller templates as well.


Remote Chat & Demo Code Snippets

Log in to your Reseller Control Panel to generate these small code snippets that will enable your customers to contact us via Live Chat or to try out our services with our demo. This feature can be used for all remote websites – hosted with us or with other providers.

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