
What is Vtiger and why should I use it?

Reseller Hosting Vtiger Installer

Vtiger is open-source Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software that is created for big business companies and mature products. This software was built as experiment years ago but with the updates and the additions during the years became really successful CRM in this brand. Vtiger is available in 16 languages and supports multiple currencies. Also, it’s supported on iOS and Android devices.


  • Product Customization
  • Adaptable
  • Reports
  • Multy-companies support
  • Mobility
  • E-mail integration
  • RSS feed subscription
  • iOS & Android Apps

Vtiger is good because of his functionality, easily understanding, and simple design. Once you try Vtiger you will see how quickly you can get on board with this really fantastic CRM and you will really love it.

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