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Reseller Control Panel – Products & Services

Screenshot of Reseller Order Tools section

The hosting Services section offers the most powerful and valuable tool for any reseller. It is this tool that enables you to examine the offers and demands of the market, to be flexible and highly competitive by offering optimal solutions to each client.

Change is the keystone for success in our business. We give you this key by letting you create and modify web hosting plans and prices. You can also change the position of the plans presented on your hosting store main and comparison pages.

Manage Promotions

Screenshot of Manage Reseller Promotions section

This section allows you to enable predefined hosting promotions on your store.

Setup Plan Prices

Screenshot of Setup Reseller Plan Prices section

Allows you to view and/or change the price of any plans you offer on your stores.

Manage Hosting Plans

Screenshot of Manage Reseller Hosting Plans section

Shows the hosting plans you have created per store and allows you to manage (show, hide) these plans on your stores. In addition, an option for changing the plan’s position on the pages listed is available based on terms of marketing strategy.

Create Custom Hosting Plans

Screenshot of Create Reseller Hosting Plan section

Allows you to create custom hosting packages according to your marketing strategy. If you have noticed that there is demand for hosting packages different from the default ones, ResellerCluster gives you the opportunity to create hosting packages that will better coincide with your targeted client’s needs.

Edit Custom Hosting Plans

Screenshot of Edit Reseller Hosting Plans section

This section allows you to easily edit your custom hosting packages if you have created any in Create Hosting Plan section. You can delete or edit your existing hosting plans. However, if you have already sold a custom plan, you won’t be allowed to delete it.

Manage Semi-Dedicated Plans

Screenshot of Manage Semi-Dedicated Plans section

Allows you to manage (show, hide) semi-dedicated plans on your stores. In addition options for changing semi-dedicated plans position on the pages listed are available based on terms of marketing strategy.

Setup Semi-Dedicated Plans Prices

Screenshot of Setup Semi-Dedicated Plan Prices secion

Allows you to view and/or change the price of semi-dedicated plans you offer on your stores.

Manage TLDs

Screenshot of Manage Reseller TLDs section

Allows you to enable or disable different Top Level Domains (TLD) on your stores.

Setup TLD Prices

Screenshot of Setup Reseller TLD Prices section

Allows you to view and/or change the price of TLDs you offer in your stores.

Manage SSL Certificates

Screenshot of Manage Reseller SSL Certificates section

Allows you to enable or disable different SSL certificates on your stores.

Setup SSL Prices

Screenshot of Setup Reseller SSL Prices section

Allows you to view and/or change the price of SSL certificates you offer in your stores.

Manage Servers

Screenshot of Manage Reseller Servers screenshot

Allows you to enable or disable offering different Servers on your stores.

Setup Server Prices

Screenshot of Setup Reseller Server Prices section

Allows you to view and/or change the price of Servers you offer in your stores.

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ResellerCluster's Hosting Reselling program is completely free. You can create your white label hosting company in a matter of minutes, not days. And yes, it is free.


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